Formed in September 2013, Last Men Standing is made up of four long-time veteran barbershop harmony singers, whose combined service to the Barbershop Harmony Society totals nearly 100 years.
In March 2014, we qualified for the Barbershop Harmony Society's International Quartet Competition on our first attempt, after only 5 months of rehearsals, one day of coaching, and no public performances. Since then, we've been working closely as a quartet, honing our craft, singing on shows and afterglows, and working with some of the top coaches in the barbershop world to become the best all-around singers and performers we can be. The effort has been worth it, and we're sure you'll agree.
Ed joined the Barbershop Harmony Society in 1995 in the Central States District, where he sang in two quartets with his younger brother, Eric: Soundstream, 1997 CSD Novice Quartet Champion, and Sibling Rivalry, 1999 CSD Quartet Champion. Sibling Rivalry represented the CSD at International from 2000 – 2002. He moved to Pennsylvania in 2009, and is a member of the Bucks County Country Gentlemen chorus. Ed and wife Nicole are the proud parents of two teenagers. Son Ryan will enter Rochester Institue of Technology in the fall, and daughter Kailyn pitches for a nationally ranked travel softball team. Ed works as a project management director for a major pharmaceutical company.
A second generation barbershopper, Mike started at the age of 14, back when he still had hair. He sang with the 5th place International finalist chorus, The Cherry Hill Pine Barons, and The Patapsco Valley chapter. He was the Director of the Bowie, MD chapter for a decade, and is now an Assistant Director and Bass Section Leader for the Alexandria Harmonizers. He has been in numerous quartets, including past Mid-Atlantic District Champions Casino (2000) and Wheelhouse (2003, also an International Finalist). Now in his 35th year of barbershopping, Mike is still going strong with no intention of slowing down. He lives in Laurel, MD, and is a proud father of two grown children. By day, he works as an IT expert for the University of Maryland.
Drew is a true barbershop brat—or second generation barbershopper—having joined the Barbershop Harmony Society at age 10, cutting his teeth in a chorus directed by his father. In his teen years, he formed a quartet with his father and brother named, fittingly, Second Generation, which became a perennial Mid-Atlantic District Finalist and qualified for the International Competition in 2010. Drew studied music at Bowling Green State University, where he sang lead in a number of collegiate quartets, and also at West Chester University, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Music Education. He served as Music Director of the Lebanon, PA Singing Cedar Chorus for three years. Drew lives in Shrewsbury, PA with wife Katherine and daughters Madison Aria and Ella Rose.
Unlike his quartet mates, TJ didn't become involved in barbershop through his parents or siblings. Coming from a theater background, TJ joined the Barbershop Harmony Society in New Jersey in 1995 at the urging of a fellow church choir member, and developed into a seasoned performer, musical leader, clinician, arranger, and songwriter. As a quartet man, TJ is the barbershop equivalent of a journeyman utility infielder, having earned Top Three honors in all four divisions of the Mid-Atlantic District, on all three upper voice parts. He has served as a Music Director for 15 years with two chapters, winning several plateau championships. TJ lives in Baltimore with his wife and son, and works as a branding, marketing, and advertising consultant.